For Busy People: Fitness and Health

 For Busy People: Fitness and Health

Every human being values the proverb "Health is Wealth." A person can achieve all of their goals if they are in good health and have mental serenity. The human species is like the temple that needs to be cared for, and it should be everyone's top priority. For everyone else who works in a job nowadays, being healthy is a huge struggle. We are aware that the majority of the population at the moment works a 10–12 hour day. For the human population to take care of their health at this moment, there is chaos like a clash.

There is a significant impact on our physical and psychological well-being as a result of the demanding job schedule that consumes a large amount of our waking hours. All professions struggle with stress, which is a significant issue. The main causes of health issues such as stomach pains, neurological disorders, and skin rashes are an excessive workload and a lack of timely nutrition. Medical practitioners have given advice to prevent personal disputes and severe workloads, and they have suggested finding ways to unwind while.

Snacks and other unhealthy items, which should be avoided, are highly favored by professionals. To handle work-related stress and other sources, proper eating is essential. We get our energy from food, so it is important to choose meals carefully and stay away from junk food and snacks.

In order to prevent body lock, professionals who spend a lot of time sitting have to periodically alter their body position. For instance, reach out to coworkers on foot despite sending texts.

It is suggested that professionals schedule time for physical activity and maintain a healthy lifestyle that is good for both their bodies and minds. Because of the saying, "If we cannot love our health, health likewise cannot love us," we are unable to achieve the pinnacles of achievement and must pretend to be in grave danger in order to realize our dreams if our health is not in tip-top shape.

Picture Reference-


Rifat Karim

Department of CSE

ID- 22301663

Section- 08


Ryan Talha Mahin

Department of EEE

ID- 22321049

Section- 08



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